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The Strength Realisation

Strength. It means different things depending on who you speak to. Some measure strength by lifting weights, others by how hard wearing a material/product is and some view strength to be a mental state of mind. I've never thought much about strength. I enjoy watching World's Strongest Man every Christmas/New Year time and think "Wow, they're crazy strong!" That's about the most I think about strength. Recently, it has dawned on me that, I in fact am a strong creature. It has all come after being seriously unwell (again). It began almost 3 weeks ago, when I started coming down with what I thought was a normal cold. I started out sniffly which then progressed into losing my voice and a cough. It was then during my usual commute home from work, that I began to feel really unwell. I got home and could barely move. I felt dreadful. I was convinced that I had flu as I've previously had it and all the symptoms felt exactly the same. The next day was th...

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